Wounds are open breaks in the skin, which disrupts the normal protection from damage or infection from the environment. Wounds may be related to surgical procedures, traumatic injury, or underlying vascular disease (arterial and venous). Wound care is oriented towards reducing pain, treating and preventing infection, and healing the wound.
If you are diagnosed with an open wound, we will examine you to determine the severity of the wound, the causes of the underlying problem and the most effective form of treatment. A dressing will be applied to the wound to promote healing, reduce discomfort and prevent further damage to the wound.
Lifestyle modifications, work-up and other treatments may be recommended to address the underlying cause(s) of the wound and reduce risk of the wound from returning.
Treatment methods are individually tailored to each patient's needs and may include any of the following:
• Advanced Wound Dressings
• Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (VAC)
• Bioengineered Tissue
• Debridement
• Compression Wraps
• Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy