
Surgery is the primary form of treatment for all stages of rectal cancer. We offer surgical options that can successfully remove rectal cancer and serve as effective forms of treatment. The type of surgery used will depend largely on the location and extent of rectal cancer. The most standard forms of surgical treatment for rectal cancer are:

POLYPECTOMY - colorectal cancers are often found in small, abnormal growths along the bowel wall called polyps. This can typically be performed as an outpatient procedure.

LOCAL EXCISION - when cancer is found only on the surface of the rectum without spreading deep into the rectal wall it can be removed along with some of the healthy tissue that surrounds it. Local excision for rectal cancer is typically performed through the anus or a small cut in the rectum and does not necessitate a major abdominal operation.

RESECTION - after cancer spreads into the rectal wall, removal of that section of the rectum may be necessary. During resection, the cancer and its attached tissues will be removed, as may the tissue between the abdominal wall and rectum. In some cases, removal of the entirety of the colon and rectum is necessary.

Once the cancer has been removed by excision or resection, we may also perform one of the following procedures:

ANASTOMOSIS – we will rejoin the healthy remaining segment of the rectum to the colon or, if the rectum is completely removed, join the colon to the anus.

COLOSTOMY - if the cancer is too close to the anus, we will make an opening known as a stoma between the rectum and outside of the body. This allows waste to pass out of the rectum and be collected by a bag placed around the stoma. Colostomy is often permanent when the whole rectum is removed, but may be reversed in some cases after the rectum has healed.

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